Public Survey
The project team received great input from the public on our online survey. Full results from the survey can be found here. Overall, the 500 people that responded would like the following top five features:
Public restrooms
Bait and tackle shop
Improved boat ramp
Picnic area
Seafood market
Economic Analysis and Feasibility Study
The Economic Analysis and Feasibility Study is now available for public review. The Economic Analysis and Feasibility Study informs the most appropriate site elements and activities that will generate revenue and economic impacts for the area. Key progress includes:
In September 2020, baseline economic data was collected from state and federal agencies and published reports.
In October 2020, the data was reviewed for capacity and trends in commercial and recreational sectors at the zip-code, county, and state levels.
Sectors examined included:
Commercial seafood
Charter boat operations
Private angling
In November 2020, the baseline data was used to construct a decision support model.
The model examines three (3) types of project feasibility over a 20-year horizon:
Financial analysis (direct costs & returns from site operation)
Economic activity analysis (revenue & expenditures vs. project costs)
Economic impact (revenue & employment multiplier effects to the region)
In December 2020, the economic model was refined to reflect an emerging subset of options for site design and operational structure.
In January and February 2021, assumptions for site design and operation were further refined based on client input meetings.
In March 2021, a semi-final draft of the economic report (with all the numbers and narratives) was completed.
In May 2021, the Feasibility Study, Economic Analysis, and Master Plan Executive Summary was completed and made available to the public.
The City Docks Redevelopment Project Executive Summary is available here.
Master Plan
In April-June 2021, the findings of the economic report will be finalized and combined with other technical reports (engineering and design, marina demand, project survey) to produce a Master Plan with an executive summary of findings and recommendations, site layout options, and implementation recommendations.
Boat Ramp
ADCNR Marine Resources (AMRD) enhanced the current boat ramp at City Docks to provide a safer, more functional ramp while the City Docks Redevelopment Project is completed.
Grant funded by GOMESA
Pavilion, Access Platform, and Trail
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) completed the construction of an ADA access and fishing platform located adjacent to the east jetty of the Lightning Point Restoration Project. In addition to the platform, TNC constructed a windstorm compliant pavilion on the bluff to provide an enjoyable venue for sightseeing across the Lightning Point restoration project.
Grant funded by Alabama Power, GOMESA, and NFWF GEBF
Lightning Point Shoreline Restoration*
The Lightning Point project continues to protect the City Docks Redevelopment Area. Look for the marsh plants to flourish and the whole area to start getting greener this year. With the breakwaters providing great protection, lots of fish, shrimp, and crabs have started to move into the creeks and we hope this becomes a great fishing spot. This area is still recovering and will take a couple of years to fully establish. Please be gentle with the site and stay off the marshes and sandy areas. Help us keep it trash free and watch it grow!
*Pictures taken post Hurricane Sally